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Ankur Das

Research Interests:
Condensed Matter Theory
Quantum Hall effect
Topological Insulator

B.Sc. Physics(Hons) St. Xavier's College, Kolkata, India, 2009 - 2012

Masters form Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, 2012 - 2015

Graduate student at University of Kentucky, 2015 - ongoing (Advisor: Dr. Ganpathy Murthy and Co-advisor: Dr. Ribhu Kaul)

Current Research Interest:

Quantum Hall Edge Reconstruction:

I am interested in studying edge recinstruction in bosonization language to understand their stability and enffect on different measurements.

Effect of Magnetic field on Graphene:

Due to its very special band structure and topological properties monolayer and few-layer graphene have a lot of interest in the past decade. I am interested in the strong magnetic field limit. We have discovered that for 1/q quantum flux per unitcell there are 2q Dirac points in the non-interacting limit of monolayer Graphene.

Fractional Quantum Hall:

The fraction Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene have many interesting results which are not well understood specifically ν=2/3,5/3 etc. I am interested in understanding the bulk states that minimizes the energy in the composite fermion picture.

Three band models and line of degeneracy:

It has been shown recently that there is a paradigm beyond Dirac and Weyl semi-metal and they cannot be categorised using the same methods (Nexus Fermion). I am trying to workout a more general mathematical object that can classify this bands.

Renormalization Group analysis:

I am interested in Renormalization group and understanding RG flow for large emergent gauge theories.

Selected Publications: