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A Harrison

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Wu, Y. ., & Harrison, A. . "Our daily life was mainly comprised of eating and sitting:" a qualitative analysis of adolescents’ experiences of inpatient eating disorder treatment in China. Journal of Eating Disorders, 7, 20. (Original work published 2019)
Musiat, P. ., Potterton, R. ., Gordon, G. ., Spencer, L. ., Zeiler, M. ., Waldherr, K. ., … Schmidt, U. . (2019). Web-based indicated prevention of common mental disorders in university students in four European countries - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 16, 35-42.
Kerr-Gaffney, J. ., Harrison, A. ., & Tchanturia, K. . (2018). Eye-tracking research in eating disorders: A systematic review. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. (Original work published 2018)