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AF Miller

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Peters, J. ., Miller, A. ., Jones, A. ., King, P. ., & Adams, M. . (2016). Electron bifurcation. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 31, 146-52.
Miller, A. . Solid-state NMR of flavins and flavoproteins. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1146, 307-40. (Original work published 2014)
Pitsawong, W. ., Hoben, J. ., & Miller, A. . (2014). Understanding the broad substrate repertoire of nitroreductase based on its kinetic mechanism. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(22), 15203-14. (Original work published 2014)
Rathnayake, S. ., Unrine, J. ., Judy, J. ., Miller, A. ., Rao, W. ., & Bertsch, P. . (2014). Multitechnique investigation of the pH dependence of phosphate induced transformations of ZnO nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 4757-64. (Original work published 2014)
Adejuwon, A. ., Crooks, P. ., Fadhel-Albayati, Z. ., Miller, A. ., Zito, S. ., Adeyemi, O. ., & Agbaje, E. . Antihyperglycemic profile of erinidine isolated from Hunteria umbellata seed. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines : AJTCAM, 10(2), 189-202. (Original work published 2013)
Miller, A. . (2012). Superoxide dismutases: ancient enzymes and new insights. FEBS Letters, 586(5), 585-95. (Original work published 2012)
Cui, D. ., Koder, R. ., Dutton, P. ., & Miller, A. . (2011). 15N solid-state NMR as a probe of flavin H-bonding. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 115(24), 7788-98. (Original work published 2011)
Johnston, J. ., Shamsulddin, H. ., Miller, A. ., & Apicella, M. . (2010). Sialic acid transport and catabolism are cooperatively regulated by SiaR and CRP in nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae. BMC Microbiology, 10, 240. (Original work published 2010)