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LogViewer: a software tool to visualize quality control parameters to optimize proteomics experiments using Orbitrap and LTQ-FT mass spectrometers.


Visualization tools that allow both optimization of instrument's parameters for data acquisition and specific quality control (QC) for a given sample prior to time-consuming database searches have been scarce until recently and are currently still not freely available. To address this need, we have developed the visualization tool LogViewer, which uses diagnostic data from the RAW files of the Thermo Orbitrap and linear trap quadrupole-Fourier transform (LTQ-FT) mass spectrometers to monitor relevant metrics. To summarize and visualize the performance on our test samples, log files from RawXtract are imported and displayed. LogViewer is a visualization tool that allows a specific and fast QC for a given sample without time-consuming database searches. QC metrics displayed include: mass spectrometry (MS) ion-injection time histograms, MS ion-injection time versus retention time, MS(2) ion-injection time histograms, MS(2) ion-injection time versus retention time, dependent scan histograms, charge-state histograms, mass-to-charge ratio (M/Z) distributions, M/Z histograms, mass histograms, mass distribution, summary, repeat analyses, Raw MS, and Raw MS(2). Systematically optimizing all metrics allowed us to increase our protein identification rates from 600 proteins to routinely determine up to 1400 proteins in any 160-min analysis of a complex mixture (e.g., yeast lysate) at a false discovery rate of <1%. Visualization tools, such as LogViewer, make QC of complex liquid chromotography (LC)-MS and LC-MS/MS data and optimization of the instrument's parameters accessible to users.

Year of Publication
Journal of biomolecular techniques : JBT
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J Biomol Tech
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