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Anton S. Perera

Research Interests:
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Organic Materials
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Machine Learning

Computational Chemist | Theoretical Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | Materials Science | Electrochemistry | Drug Design | AI/Machine Learning

Selected Publications:
  1. Perera, A. S., Suduwella, T. M., Attanayake, N. H., Jha, R. K., Eubanks, W. L., Shkrob, I. A., Risko, C., Kaur, A. P., & Odom, S. A. (2022). Large variability and complexity of isothermal solubility for a series of redox-active phenothiazines. Materials Advances, 3(23), 8705–8715. variability and complexity of isothermal solubility for a series of redox-active phenothiazines


  2. Stumme, N., Perera, A. S., Horvath, A., Ruhunage, S., Duffy, D. H., Koltonowski, E. M., Tupper, J., Dzierba, C., McEndaffer, A. D., Teague, C. M., Risko, C., & Shaw, S. K. (2023). Probing Redox Properties of Extreme Concentrations Relevant for Nonaqueous Redox-Flow Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6(5), 2819–2831. snapshot of the local environment of TEMPO+ (orange) with respect to PF6– (green), TBA (gray), and MeCN


  3. Liyanaararchchi, G. D., Perera, A. S., Samarasekera, J. K. R. R., Mahanama, K. R. R., Hemalal, K. D. P., Dlamini, S., Perera, H. D. S. M., Alhadidi, Q., Shah, Z. A., & Tillekeratne, L. M. V. (2022). Bioactive constituents isolated from the Sri Lankan endemic plant Artocarpus nobilis and their potential to use in novel cosmeceuticals. Industrial Crops and Products, 184(May), 115076.

Stability, interactions, and binding sites of tyrosinase  with respect to artonin E