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Jaeyeon Lee

Research Interests:
feminist geography
Korean comfort women
Feminist Geopolitics
Gender and Nationalism
Cold War
cultural geography
geography of east asia
social movements and grassroots organizing
Asian Politics
Political Geography

I am a feminist, cultural, and political geographer studying comfort women activism led by South Korean postcolonial subjects in the context of East Asian (post) Cold War geopolitics.

My dissertation research focuses on Korean postcolonial subjects’ activist-memorial projects—such as campaigns and statues—for “comfort women,” the female victims of the Japanese military’s forced brothel program during the Asia-Pacific war. By analyzing interview data and fieldnotes from participant observation in campaigns for comfort women, my dissertation examines how geopolitical and postcolonial melancholia, dynamics of (dis)comfort, and populist identification are deeply embedded in comfort women movements led by South Koreans.


Selected Publications:

Lee, Jaeyeon. 2022. “Melancholia is (geo)political! Postcolonial geography in the Wednesday Demonstration in Seoul.” Cultural Geographies, 29 (1): 45-61.

Lee, Jaeyeon. & Ruwen Chang. 2022. "Torn apart! Transnational feminist researchers’
geopolitical positionality in (pre-) COVID-19 times." Gender, Place & Culture.

Lee, Jaeyeon. 2021. “The ethno-nationalist solidarity and (dis)comfort in the Wednesday Demonstration in South Korea.” Gender, Place, and Culture.