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Mark Peffley


Ph.D., University of Minnesota


I study public opinion and political psychology, mostly in the U.S. but also abroad, focusing on policy attitudes, racial bias, and political intolerance. See my Researchgate page. My vita is here

My research has appeared in American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, American Politics Quarterly, Political Behavior, Political Communications, Political Research Quarterly and Public Opinion Quarterly.

Sample Articles:

Features about my research:

BooksJustice in America: The Separate Realities of Blacks and WhitesPerception and Prejudice: Race and Politics in the U.S., with Jon Hurwitz.

  • Washington Post feature on Justice in America.

Areas of Specialization - Public opinion, political psychology, racial attitudes and political tolerance.

Selected Publications:
PubMed Publications*: 
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