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Tyler Stumpf

Bachelor's Degree - University of Georgia (2011)
Certificate of Archaeological Sciences - University of Georgia (2011)

Tyler received his Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology, as well as Certificate in Archaeological Sciences, from the University of Georgia in 2011. After graduation he spent some time doing Cultural Resource Management until he moved to Arkansas to work with the Arkansas Archaeological Survey and the Old State House Museum. While in Arkansas he conducted research on Arkansas Novaculite, as well as the Hernando de Soto expedition. 

As of August 2014 Tyler is attending the University of Kentucky to pursue his Doctoral degree exploring architectural and spatial variability before and after contact across the Southeastern United States.

Research Interests:
Contact Period
Southeastern North American
Architectural Variability
Spanish Missions

My research interests include the late prehistoric and contact periods in the Southeastern United States, The Hernando de Soto Expedition, trade, architecture and architectural variability, consequences of initial contact in the S.E. U.S. and the political, social, and economic changes that occurred after contact.