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J Qiu

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Wu, F. ., Qiu, J. ., Fan, Y. ., Zhang, Q. ., Cheng, B. ., Wu, Y. ., & Bai, B. . (2018). Apelin-13 attenuates ER stress-mediated neuronal apoptosis by activating Gα<sub>i</sub>/Gα<sub>q</sub>-CK2 signaling in ischemic stroke. Experimental Neurology. (Original work published 2018)
Dudek, A. ., Pillay, S. ., Puschnik, A. ., Nagamine, C. ., Cheng, F. ., Qiu, J. ., … Vandenberghe, L. . (2018). An alternate route for adeno-associated virus entry independent of AAVR. Journal of Virology. (Original work published 2018)
Höhr, A. ., Lindau, C. ., Wirth, C. ., Qiu, J. ., Stroud, D. ., Kutik, S. ., … Wiedemann, N. . (2018). Membrane protein insertion through a mitochondrial β-barrel gate. Science (New York, N.Y.), 359(6373). (Original work published 2018)
Doglietto, F. ., Qiu, J. ., Ravichandiran, M. ., Radovanovic, I. ., Belotti, F. ., Agur, A. ., … Gentili, F. . (2017). Quantitative comparison of cranial approaches in the anatomy laboratory: A neuronavigation based research method. World Journal of Methodology, 7(4), 139-147. (Original work published 2017)
Liu, X. ., Gao, X. ., Zhang, L. ., Yuan, Z. ., Zhang, C. ., Lu, W. ., … Xie, J. . (2018). Age-related changes in fiber tracts in healthy adult brains: A generalized q-sampling and connectometry study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : JMRI. (Original work published 2018)
Meng, K. ., Qiu, J. ., Benardot, D. ., Carr, A. ., Yi, L. ., Wang, J. ., & Liang, Y. . (2020). The risk of low energy availability in Chinese elite and recreational female aesthetic sports athletes. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 17(1), 13. (Original work published 2020)
Chen, X. ., Gao, X. ., Qin, J. ., Wang, C. ., Xiao, M. ., Tian, Y. ., … Chen, H. . Resting-state functional network connectivity underlying eating disorder symptoms in healthy young adults. NeuroImage. Clinical, 30, 102671. (Original work published 2021)
Chen, X. ., Xiao, M. ., Qin, J. ., Bian, Z. ., Qiu, J. ., Feng, T. ., … Chen, H. . (2022). Association between high levels of body-esteem and increased degree of midcingulate cortex global connectivity: A resting-state fMRI study. Psychophysiology, 59(10), e14072.
Chen, X. ., Dong, D. ., Zhou, F. ., Gao, X. ., Liu, Y. ., Wang, J. ., … Chen, H. . (2022). Connectome-based prediction of eating disorder-associated symptomatology. Psychological Medicine, 1-14. (Original work published 2022)